July 4 - What Are You Up To? Bits!

Susan's barbeque.
She does it every year.
It's made up mostly of improv folks.

Improv people do things called bits.
They're like conversations, but they aren't.
Often they start as real conversations, but get rerouted into comedic one-upmanship.
This is because comedians are insecure and afraid of their own emotions.
So they overcompensate with silliness in the form of meaninglessness.
Sometimes a bit can go something like this:

2: Did you ride your bike here?
1: Actually, I rode my dog here.
2: Oh, was that you I saw on a golden doodle?
1: Yeah, that's why I'm wearing this kerchief.
(1 points to a kerchief around his neck that is not actually there)
2: I have a kerchief for my penis when I engage in sexual activity.
1: Me, too. Mine is the color azure.
2: Mine folds out to become a backgammon board.
1: So when you play backgammon on your penis kerchief, how do you know what's a backgammon piece and what's a piece of dried cum?
5: And scene!

If you're in the mood and with the right people, these weird anti-conversations can be fun.
But often times you get burned out on bits, and end up going through the motions of doing air comedy, not wanting to be the one that kills it.
And then you notice the sun isn't where it was a minute ago.

Luckily, there weren't too many bits at the party.
But there was a lot of "what are you up to?".
I guess that's at every party.

My friend Eric approached me on the backyard steps.
I tried to rephrase "what are you up to?" for the sake of variety.
"So what are.. In your life... Are things...-"
"Shut the fuck up!"
He said it straight and fast.
It didn't even sound like a bit.
"Fair enough," I surrendered.
An awkward pause took the spotlight and then Eric crouched down to my face.
"What were you going to say?"
"What are you up tooo?" I challenged with big eyes, not really wanting to know the answer.
He answered anyway, but I don't think he wanted to know the answer, either.
Then he crouched down to me again.
"What about yooo?" he aped.
God, what a terrible interaction we were having.
What's weird is that I like Eric. And Eric likes me. We like each other.
What's going on?

Maybe it's coming to the same old barbeque year after year and seeing the same people over and over again, and everything is still the same, and bits. But this person is now fucking this person, and this person moved to LA, and did you hear about this person, and bits, and...
And now what?
Now you're old.

So I met with Sad On Vacation and Annoyance friends and we watched fireworks on a rooftop. I like those people.

After Lauren got off work, we met for a drink and had a really good talk.
I see some focus coming into focus.

Verdict: Win

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