July 17 - Ex-Family Reunion

We bought a fucking air conditioner.
A small window unit for the bedroom.
We'd have to find some scrap wood for the gap in the window.
The wood cutter at Home Depot wasn't used to all these window units in these old buildings in Chicago.
He was from Arizona.
He also didn't like the big Chicago built-in heater units.
"I don't know what I'm doing here."

With small amounts of stress and frustration, we installed the damn thing.
Then Lauren went to work and I went to Nurse Novels practice.

We practiced at Thea's.
Her parents were there, along with her sister.
I met Thea's family four years ago when we were dating.
I've always liked her family.
After our difficult breakup, I'm not sure they share the sentiment.
Old, expired guilt crept back into my posture.
When I saw her Mom, I shot out a "hey" with casual Jersey confidence.
Strange choice.
We worked on six of our 458 new songs.
Nicole found a spooky bass line for a song currently about Mummenschanz.
I felt a bit awkward singing in the presence of Thea's family and fiance.
Especially our new sappy love pop masterpiece.
But it felt good to play again.

Afterward, I hauled two amplifiers, a Farfisa organ, a two-piece drum kit with hardware, a guitar, and a postal bin of wigs up to the Annoyance for tomorrow's Beatlemagica band practice.

I don't even remember what I did with my evening.
It was a Saturday night.
Lauren was at work.
I'm still broke.
Oh yeah, I fell asleep on the couch watching All About Eve.

But we would share a cool room together for the first time this wretched summer.

Verdict: Win

1 comment:

  1. There is a real special circle of hell for people who remind other people of the existence of Mummenschanz. Think about what you are doing.
