We talked briefly.
I used an outdated cellphone to tell them I was interested in the writing position. They specified that the position would be inside of an office for 40 hours per week. I said I was ready.
A steady income.
Health insurance.
I could ride my bike again.
I would be able to afford things like restaurants and new underwear.
Most importantly, I would be writing.
An activity I happen to enjoy.
I'd get my pride back, too.
So I worked on the writing sample.
It's a challenging voice.
I wrote a few possible directions for the piece between runs, wrote things on post it notes while driving, reworked it from the loading zone of the Wrigley Building, and revised it when I got home.
After a quick, probably delicious dinner I attended Beatlemagica rehearsal.
I directed Beatlemagica.
Beatlemagica rules.
Back at home I revised the piece some more.
Lauren helped update my resume into the wee hours.
Her wizardry turned my cold dead bean of a resume into a decent salad.
They should sell resumes in bags.
Delicious edible resumes.
Popcorn flavored resumes, ice cream flavored resumes, beef wellington...zzzzzzzzz
Verdict: Win
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