Ray's Tap Plug

Uh oh.
I'm working again.
12-16 hour days.
For a week and a half.
That means this will get delayed again.
Who cares?
Ha ha!

In the meantime I wrote a piece for the Ray's Tap Reading Series.
This Saturday's program is entitled Gripes To Mike Royko.

About 5 years ago, a very good trash picker, the mother of my friend Josh Bartholomew found a box of papers in the trash of the Royko home in Winnetka. Mike Royko died in 1997 but it took a few years, I guess, for his wife to throw this box out. Judy Royko donated his letters etc... to the Newberry Library years earlier but I guess this stuff did not make the cut. What was inside?

Photos, notes, letters, legal documents and als
o a collection of letters/postcards responding to a call for his readers to send in their gripes. Royko wanted people to write in and complain about what bothers them about the world. And they did in something Royko called the Gripes of Wrath. And we have them all. (1/100th of them!) People complaining about driving in grocery store parking lots, too many pickles in a pickle jar, loud gum chewing, ethnic names, Don Zimmer, rap music, gays and more.

Please join us on December 11th for a larger than normal Ray's show. Our writers and artists are going to be digging into these gripes to create original stories etc...


Jill Summers, Matt Test, Dave Snyder, Tim Racine, Tony Mendoza, Josh Dumas, Natalie Edwards, Fred Sasaki, Mason Johnson, Daniel Shapiro, Margaret Chapman and Mark Chrisler.

Also featuring music by Alan Scalpone of the Bitter Tears.
Poster by Susie Kirkwood

So come on out, it's free.
Saturday, December 11 at 9pm.
Ray's Tap is located at 3047 N Kimball.

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